Administration, drawing up contracts for criteriums, disbursing prize money. These are among the less enjoyable, though no less important aspects of bicycle racing for the racers. Cycling Service is in among the racers and knows what they need in order to keep the work outside of the race to a minimum. With Cyclotivity, our organization makes managing contracts simple and comprehensive. Agreements are easily accessed on your computer or through our app, and bonuses are quickly paid out among the assistants, captains, and staff.
Cycling Service works on processing prize monies on behalf of racers from around thirty international racing teams. With Cycling Service's system, this takes place in no time and makes administrative bloat a thing of the past. The Cyclotivity module makes the requisite withholdings transparent, and both premiums as well as remittances are easily accessed through our app for smartphone or tablet. The most famous bicycle racers from around the world are all experiencing greater satisfaction by using Cyclotivity. With ever more user-friendly features under development, Cyclotivity is fast becoming the go-to tool.